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Sacred Valley Highlights: Ollantaytambo

Highlight of the Sacred Valley Ollantaytambo

Time travel in Ollantaytambo

The enchanting village of Ollantaytambo, nicknamed Ollanta by locals, is the best surviving example of Inca city planning. Indeed, Ollanta’s organizational grid system can be seen from vantage points high above, especially from the hill opposite the fortress. Strategically placed at the entrance of the Urubamba Valley, the site was the only Inca stronghold to consistently resist Spanish attacks. The dominating Inca ruins were originally built as an Inca administrative center rather than a town and they are laid out in the form of a maize corncob. An incredibly fertile sector of the Urubamba Valley, at  9,186 ft (2,800 m) and with temperatures ranging from 52-73°F (11-23°C), good alluvial soils and accessible water resources, this area was mainly used for agricultural purposes. It also acted as a gateway to Antisuyo (the Amazon corner of the Inca Empire) and was an excellent gathering location for tribes living in the surrounding areas. After you’ve visited the fascinating ruins of Ollantaytambo make sure to take a stroll up Pinkullyuna, a quiet hill dotted with Inca storehouses that offer splendid views overlooking the town and facing the main ruins. Linger through the narrow cobblestone streets of Ollanta, that have been continuously inhabited since the 13th century, for a fascinating and engaging peek into the Inca past. See more of our favorite experiences in Peru’s Sacred Valley…

Admire the Incan fortress in Ollantaytambo / Source

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