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Cusco Highlights: The Inca Museum

Inca museum Cusco highlight

Delve deeper into the Inca past at the Inca Museum

Located on a small road that links Plaza de Armas to Plazoleta Nazarenas, the Inca Museum is the ultimate must for anyone interested in Inca history. Housed in a remarkable colonial-style mansion which rests on Inca foundations, the state-owned museum is run and managed by Cusco’s San Antonio Abad University. The museum contains artifacts that trace Peruvian history from pre-Inca civilizations and Inca culture to the impact of the conquest and colonial times on these native cultures. The restored area is filled to the brim with Inca trinkets and everyday items such as ceramics, textiles, vases and jewelry. However, the museum’s crowning jewels remain the world’s largest collection of queros (ceremonial Inca wooden drinking vessels) and a large number of Inca mummies.  We recommend that you take one of guides as they offer excellent interpretive information in English and Spanish for a small fee. As you exit the museum downstairs, there is a sunny courtyard where Andean weavers exhibit their craft and where traditional textiles are available to purchase. The Inca museum is an essential stop-off for anyone wishing to complete their Inca experienceSee more of our favorite experiences in Cusco…

Local women weaving traditional textiles at Cusco’s Inca Museum

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